Kirstin Taylor, has been fascinated by bodies, movement and healing since she can remember. She trained and competed at the national level with Cinderbells, a women’s track team for 9 years as a teenager. For years, she had a lead role performing with Boulder’s own Aerial Dance Company, Frequent Flyers, notably in Theatre of the Vampires.
She now devotes her kinetic self to the exploration, practice and instruction of the GYROTONIC® EXPANSION SYSTEM. She is a Certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Trainer and Pre-Trainer, in the GYROTONER®, Leg Extension Unit, Rejuvenation Course, Level 1 Musical Journey, Breathing Course Intensive, Jumping Stretching Board, and GYROTONIC® Applications for the Shoulder Girdle, Osteoporosis, Pelvic Girdle, Hip and Knee, Dancers, High Level Athletes, and Golf.
Phone: 303-718-6911 cell
Email: [email protected]